Thursday, May 04, 2006

A quick note

May 4
Sunny and Warm

This is a very quick note written on a machine at which I cannot upload my extensive journal entry about our Canberra trip. I will try to find such a place tomorrow. I'll suffice it for the moment to say that Canberra was cool, and the weather threatened the entire time, but never really stormed. The places we visited: Parliament House, the U.S. Embassy, and the ANZAC War Memorial, were all very well-received by the students. In general, our students this year have been pretty willing to engage the course and get from it what we hope they will. Time will tell, of course, but I've been pleased at what I've seen so far.

Our flight to Brisbane was uneventful -- the best kind. Once we had arrived at the TinBilly and got the rooms straightened out, my colleague and I went off to the South Bank Parklands, an extensive park area on the Brisbane River. Tomorrow is the Brisbane celebration of Buddha's Birthday, and we plan to be right in the middle of it -- we have reservations for the group at a Greek restaurant nearby the main arena where the big events in the celebration will be held. It should be a very nice experience for the students.

I am about out of time, so I will be off.

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